Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Who knew? RSV

    Recently my youngest had her routine 18mo doctor appointment and received a few shots. The doctor said she may develop a fever in a few days which is a normal reaction. So when she actually did get one a few days later we just gave her some fever reducer and lots of cuddles. We didn't think anything of the cough she had since her older two siblings had a little cough as well. (Insert some witty saying about this not being our first parent rodeo here)
    Fast forward a day or two to Christmas day and my little happy Bear wasn't her usual self - she wasn't running around and eating everything in sight and had zero interest in her beloved rainbow popsicle sticks. She did not want to leave Daddy's side. I tried to keep her up on her fluids but she was loosing interest fast. So we called the docs to take her in and honestly it's scary how it was perfect timing.
    As I was home with the older two kids, who were enjoying a candy cane watching a new movie while I was vacuuming I received a call from the Hubs saying to pack some diapers, wipes and a change of clothes. My heart dropped. Everything around me blurred out as tears built up in my eyes. The older two must have had a surge of sibling-spidey-sense because they came to my side to comfort me so quickly I gather myself back up and explained that Daddy was stopping by home to pick up some things so he and Bear could go to the children's hospital. (We are very open with our children on information which may be a curse and a blessing but for the moment that's how we roll.)
    I tossed everything in a bag and Trey even grabbed the stuffed bear she received from Santa to include in the bag. In a blink the Hubs was in the house then out. I asked him to call me when they had a chance at the hospital. 
    When the phone call finally came I learned that Bear's oxygen level was in the low 80s, high fever of 102 and she had labored breathing with a rapid heart rate. She was also dehydrated. The hospital ended up keeping her overnight to continue the IV drip and oxygen feed as well as observation. She had tested positive for the RSV virus. We were finally discharged the next day once she was able to hold an oxygen count of 94+ while she slept. Her fever was gone, her heart rate slowed to normal and she was drinking on her own. We were told her raspy cough would remain for a while and that her appetite would come back slowly. Luckily, we didn't need any equipment or drugs to continue her recovery and later that night her Godfather (aka my brother) came over with a cool mist humidifier for her room which really helps with her cough.
    Believe it or not, I have heard of the RSV virus, knew it wasn't good for little kids under 2 years old but honestly never knew the symptoms or what to watch out for. My kids generally have an awesome immune system so when they do get sick its usually nothing major but a little cough or runny nose. Leave it to the last child to scare the life out of us.
    I just wanted to share some information I was able to find on the RSV virus but you can also do some research yourself. You can visit to learn more or talk to your doctor about it if you have any questions or concerns. Luckily, we caught it in time before it could have taken an extreme turn for the worse - she did not have blue on her lips or fingernails- but it was scary nonetheless.

      *    If you’re child is exhibit­ing cold-like symp­toms, RSV could be the cul­prit. Know the symp­toms of seri­ous RSV infec­tion which include: per­sis­tent cough­ing or wheez­ing; rapid, dif­fi­cult, or gasp­ing breaths; blue color on the lips, mouth, or under the fin­ger­nails; high fever; extreme fatigue; and dif­fi­culty feed­ing. Par­ents should con­tact a med­ical pro­fes­sional imme­di­ately upon signs of these symptoms.
      *    Almost every baby will con­tract RSV by age 2, but only 1/3 of moms say they’ve heard of the virus
       *    RSV occurs in epi­demics each fall through spring. The CDC has defined RSV sea­son” as Novem­ber through March for most parts of North America.
        *   Cer­tain babies such as premature babies are at an increased risk of devel­op­ing seri­ous RSV infec­tion, so it’s impor­tant to speak with a pedi­a­tri­cian to deter­mine if a baby may be at high risk for RSV, and dis­cuss pre­ven­tive measures.

Top Left: Hour 2 at the hospital Right: Her "ET" toe aka oxygen sensor
Mid Left: Day 2 at hospital feeling better
Mid Right: Oxygen level at 94 while sleeping! Whoo hoo!
Bottom: Lulu's welcome home sign!
These were posted on my Instagram account. Click to follow!

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