Sunday, September 23, 2012

Whoops! Insert guilt here

    Ever get that feeling when you wake up in the morning that stuff isn't going to go your way? I had that tiny feeling this morning. Long story short, it was at the expense of my little guy's train excursion. The train station's website was so confusing and I should have done this earlier but I called to see if we needed to make a reservation. And of course, from the recording that they were sold out for today I found the answer to my inquiry. I cried! Big, huge crocodile tears! I let my little guy down. We had been talking about this train ride and pumping it up and foolish me did not go with my gut to call and double check earlier this week when I thought I should.
    The Hubs had to break the news as he turned the car around. The train was "broken" today. I scrambled to find something to lift up my little guy's broken spirit. I felt and still feel awful! BUT we ended up going on a family adventure to one of the local apple orchards and hunted for pumpkins. He ate sugared donuts for lunch and apple cider. I wanted him to have a beautiful time. He chose is own pumpkin and had a blast! I let him have three helpings of baked apple for dessert AND let him lick the whipped cream container clean.
    Here I thought I had saved the day with family adventure. As I tucked him into bed he reminded me that the train was broken and that he was going to go on the train while I stayed home with the girls. There it was.., that awful feeling I let him down.
    I know I will have plenty of these throughout their lifetime. I know I will loose count and even what they were over but that feeling is horrible. It feels like my insides are being pulled out while I watch.
    Have you experienced this feeling yet? Was it over something small? Or was it bigger?
My little man picked out his pumpkin

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