Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pizza and Skype

    At the start of this year my Hubs pursued a new career. He left the place that he has worked at for over 17 years and started down a new path. He was given an incredible opportunity and has been doing amazing at it! For the third month in the row he has been on the top 3 nationwide for work. (whoohoo!)
    I knew he would succeed. He has the focus and the drive. Given my background of design and PR, I have been able to help him out with some neat promotions and getting the word out.
    At least once a month he has to travel across state to edge of his territory. It's about a 3 hour or so drive. Figuring out it was easier and cheaper he stays overnight so he can meet with his dealers both days. The kids are doing okay with it all. They know it's a "cheat" night for dinner and we get pizza (cheese and half mushroom - that's for Big Sis) They get to Skype with the Hubs during dinner telling him all about their day and that we got pizza for dinner (shocker). They also get an early bath time so they can watch a little movie or something.

    So - this fine evening we enjoyed our pizza as we Skyped and the kids talked about their day and that we got pizza (again a shocker). They jumped in the bath and got to watch one of the movies I picked up at the library this morning. We all gave our hugs and kisses and said our good nights as I tucked them in. I cleaned up a bit and now I'm sitting in the silence. I miss my Hubs but I am very proud of him.
    Does your sig. other ever spend time away from the family? What do you do with your little ones while they're away?

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