Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fred and Earl

    Fred and Earl are back! Yes - Fred and Earl!! Those are the pair of mourning doves that chill on the wire over our driveway. Seeing those two make me think of a few things. The first thought is that Spring is right around the corner! The robins have been coming back but once you see those two - you know for sure.
    The other main thought seeing them is that I am going to miss them when we move. For nearly 7 years we have seen these mourning doves. Whether or not they are the same ones or children of the ones that we have seen, I don't know but what I do know is that I definitely miss seeing them.
    That thought moved my mind to other things that I am going to miss about this house and location. I will definitely miss my corner cabinet pull out drawer system from Ikea that we splurged on when we remodeled the kitchen. I will miss the playground park around the corner from us. The Hubs would take the Tweedles on Sunday morning to run around then swing over to the gas station to pick up a paper. That Sunday morning outing gave me a good hour and half to clean up and get the crockpot going.
    I'm also going to miss our side yard. That has been an ongoing factor in our search for a house. We want a nice sized yard, no dot of land. With all the new subdivisions popping up around our town, it's harder and harder to find a nice size chunk of land with a house big enough for us. We have pigeon holed ourselves there. Unless our money trees grows up and starts shedding hundo dollar bills I think this factor will be one that will have to be compromised first.
    There is plenty that I wont miss.., but Fred and Earl are totally two things that I will miss a lot!
    What were some things that you knew or figured out that you were going to miss when you moved?

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